Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Teddy Graham Facial (apple cider vinegar, reduced redness, 4 ingredients)

This is a homemade beauty treatment that my suite-mate and I discovered one night while procrastinating for finals. We just threw a bunch of "natural beauty" supplies together, put it on our faces, waited a while and awoke more beautiful than before. We both noticed reduced redness and brighter skin. I hope it work for you too:)

-2 tbsps apple cider vinegar
-2 tbsps water
-2 tbsps honey
-2 tbsps baking soda
-1 tsp cinnamon

Directions: Mix everything in a bowl together. Splash your face with warm water to open your pours. Coat your whole face with the mixture, making sure to really get the honey on your face. Let sit on your face for 10-20min. It will burn a tiny bit at first then get sticky and slightly harden. Wash off your face, making sure you scrub as you wash it off, exfoliating with the baking soda.

Want to know an extra little secret? It bubbles, like a baking soda rocket, so you can actually trick your guy friends into doing it too! The fact that it makes your skin look temporarily dirty and smells like teddy grahams will definitely help your case too:)

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