Sunday, December 8, 2013

Love is the Cornerstone

As some of you may know, I recently posted about the importance of educating yourself about what goes in your body. And while I still stand by that belief let me clarify the fact that knowledge and wisdom isn't everything; love is. After all, Solomon had is all and still declared it as meaningless. I find this is something I continually have to remind myself of.  As I was reading though Job last night, I came across a passage declaring God's impotency and was led to a new view of the story of the fall. When Eve was tempted one of the reasons was that the fruit was "desirable for gaining wisdom". The reason for this temptation is often explained as our innate desire to be God, but now  I view it more as an innate desire to be closer to God, and know him more. You see, Eve knew that that God was omnipotent and therefore hoped that gaining something similar to God would therefore make her closer to Him. This desire comes from the fact that we are relational beings, its just how God designed us, we want to be closer to Him and we also want to be closer to other(hence Eve then sharing the fruit with Adam after). The problem, however, comes when our views of what God is, and what He wants from us get distorted. Because while God is omnipotent, that's not what God IS. What God is, is love. So keep this as the cornerstone of your journey through life. Share love and be love, in everything you do, think, and say. You'll be more filled with joy and so will others around you, a win-win for everyone!

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